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Patient survey concerning nasal polyps

A nasal polyps survey was launched to collect information about a targeted population in Belgium.

Patients were actively recruited and invited to complete this survey.

Our approach

In less than 2 weeks of time Pivotal Patient Journey's project team prepared the launch of the advertisement campaign and online survey. This preparation period included: 

  • Workshop with the Sponsor
  • Setup of online survey on C-Lys patient platform
  • Setup of advertisement campaign for facebook to drive traffic to the survey:
  • Different target groups: men, women, interest groups, young, old…

After all preparations were finished, the campaign to create awareness about the survey was launched and the survey was opened for registrations.

The survey was online for 3 weeks.


After 3 weeks the online survey was closed and 67 people completed the survey.

The link click through rate for the awareness campaign for the nasal polyps survey managed by Pivotal Patient Journey was 1,89%. While the industry statistics mention that the average link click through rate for facebook is 0,70%. 

These figures indicate that Pivotal Patient Journey performed a very successfull awareness campaign to generate traffic to the online suvey.





ad clicks


surveys completed

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