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Patient Recruitment for a clinical study in oncology (brain metastases)


The occurrence of brain metastases is a frequent event in the history of cancer and often requires treatment with radiotherapy. An investigational treatment is being tested in an ongoing trial to increase the effectiveness of conventional radiotherapy.


Pivotal Patient Journey was contacted to support the sponsor in patient recruitment by increasing awareness about this ongoing trial.

Our approach

Pivotal's team launched an awareness campaign as "add on" to the sites' standard patient recruitment practices. The aim was to inform potential candidates and allow them to perform self-prescreening:

  1. Creating awareness amongst the target study population (via digital media, medical community contacts, patients organizations)
  2. Providing accurate, clear, and concise information to the potential candidates on the C-Lys platform
  3. Prescreening of the candidate by completing the study specific questionnaire/ self- prescreener
  4. Potential candidates might contact the study sites directly by themselves

Study webpage and self- prescreening form

The study specific webpage included:

  • Information about the study (title, goals, description, main inclusion/exclusion criteria, locations of the participating sites)
  • A smart self-prescreening form for the candidate to complete to check his/her potential eligibility 
  • The possibility to directly contact the selected participating site

An informative video has been developped to create awareness about the clinical trial in oncology.



Million impressions




Ad interactions


Flyers distributed

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